"PingMag in one word: Inspiration.
PingMag in one sentence: About Design and Making Things!
PingMag in detail: PingMag is an online design magazine based in Tokyo. Defining the term design as broadly as we can, PingMag writes about ideas and inspiration coming from both world class designers, and from the little store on the corner. We look at everything; product design, packaging, architecture, web design, typography, illustration, photography, fashion, programming, graphics, video, art, toys, traditional crafts, graffiti, set design…. anything, in fact, that we consider inspiring and we think will excite you too.
We’re sure that there is so much to be learnt from both the very big fish, and from the amazing local artist you’ve never heard about before. And a rapidly growing readership proves that we can’t be too wrong! Design is unlimited. It can be found in anything, anywhere, anytime. PingMag has the honor to spend time finding those treasures and talking to those people who put love and thought into creating." -The About section of PingMag